Ear Cleaning
$75 per ear. Private Pay (not covered by insurance). Professional cleaning of ear wax. Please note: There is minimum visit charge of $30.
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
30 minutes
Earmold Impression/3-D Scanning
$150. Private Pay (not covered by insurance). Earmold impressions or 3-D scanning for: custom hearing instrument earmolds, custom earpiece for hunting, swimming, in-ear-monitors, musician earplugs, etc. Please note: This fee ONLY covers the impression/scanning. 3-D scans cannot be sent to a third party that we do not work with, but physical earmold impressions can be taken home to be mailed yourself.
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
30 minutes
Functional Hearing Assessment
$250. Private Pay (not covered by insurance). For patients age 18y/o and up. Functional Hearing Assessment: Ear to Brain Assessment - consists of 5 exams:
*Traditional Hearing Exam,
*Exam to assess how you tolerate and hear in noisy environments,
*Exam to asses how much effort is extended to be able to hear, and
*Exam to asses how you process and understand speech. The testing will help us and you understand how you hear in real-life situations. This information allows us to make the best recommendation for you and your hearing loss—making sure that you are getting the best hearing you can!
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
120 minutes
Follow-up/Clean & Check/Repair
$75 - $100. Private Pay (not covered by insurance). FOR CURRENT PATIENTS: Hearing Instrument follow-up, clean & check, and moisture removal (with REDUX Dryer).
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
30 minutes
Adult Hearing Exam
Traditional Hearing Evaluation. (Billable to insurances). Includes: Otoscopy, Pure Tone testing and Speech in Quiet testing.
Please note:
If your insurance requires a script/referral, it is your responsibility to bring it with you to this appointment, or have it faxed to (484) 470-6001 ahead of time (e.g. Medicaid/HMO). If a script/referral is required by your insurance, we will be unable to see you without it.
Please note: Speech in Noise Testing is NOT COVERED BY INSURANCE and will be an out-of-pocket expense.
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
60 minutes
Hearing Instrument Evaluation and Selection
$150. Private Pay (not covered by insurance). Communication needs testing and consultation to determine the best treatment option(s) for hearing loss. For patients who have had a comprehensive hearing exam performed within the past year.
Please note: The comprehensive hearing exam MUST be brought to this appointment or faxed/emailed to the office ahead of time.
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
60 minutes
Hearing Instrument Programming
$300 to $800. Private Pay (not covered by insurance). Programming or re-programming of your current hearing instruments with Real Ear/Speech Mapping. Please note: A comprehensive hearing exam MUST be brought to this appointment or faxed/emailed to the office ahead of time.
We can program the following major manufacturers: Widex, Phonak, Unitron, Resound, Oticon, Starkey, Signia.
ALL PATIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Appointments missed without a 24-hour notice are subject to a no-show fee of $30.00.
60 minutes