Established Patient Hearing Test
Hearing test for patients who have previously been seen at Ashland Audiology
30 minutes
ENT hearing evaluation
Hearing Evaluation before seeing Dr. Tuominen in ENT
30 minutes
Industrial Employee Hearing Test
Annual hearing testing as required by OSHA. Please let us know how many employees need to be tested so we can adjust the appointment time accordingly.
15 minutes
New Patient Hearing Test
Hearing evaluation for new patients.
60 minutes
VA Hearing Evaluation
Hearing evaluation through Minneapolis or Iron Mountain VA
60 minutes
Newborn Hearing Test
Newborn failed the newborn hearing screening or was not tested prior to leaving the hospital.
30 minutes
Pediatric Hearing Test (3 + years old)
Hearing evaluation for patients under the age of 4-18 years old
30 minutes
Pediatric Hearing Test (under 3 years old)
Hearing evaluation for patients under the age of 3 years old
30 minutes
Hearing Aid Clean & Check
Clean & Check hearing aids and receive batteries if part of the battery club
15 minutes
Hearing Aid Troubleshooting
A problem has been detected with the hearing aid.
15 minutes
Cochlear Implant Activation
Activation of Cochlear Implant after surgery. Please note this appointment is scheduled for 2 hours.
120 minutes
Cochlear Implant Evaluation
Determine candidacy for a cochlear implant. Please note this appointment is scheduled for 2.5 hours.
150 minutes
Cochlear Implant Follow Up/ Programming
Cochlear Implant follow up/programming appointment. Please note this appointment is 1 hour
60 minutes
Ear Cleaning
Removal of ear wax from the ear canal. Please note that Medicare does not cover this appointment. You will be responsible for a $75 charge the day of the appointment if we need to clean the ear(s).
30 minutes
Earmold fitting
New earmold is ready to be fit.
30 minutes
Earmold Impression
Making ear impressions for custom earmolds or hearing aids
30 minutes
Hearing Aid Selection
For patients that have a hearing test on file within 6 month to discuss hearing aid options. If a test is not on file, please schedule a hearing test.
60 minutes
Hearing Aid Fitting
Hearing aids ready to be fit! Please note the hearing aid fitting is 30 minutes and hearing aid orientation will also be scheduled for an additional 30 minutes.
30 minutes
Hearing Aid Orientation
Hearing aid orientation with Lori Landry, HIS
30 minutes
Hearing Aid Check
Hearing aid programming adjustments, troubleshooting, or follow up
30 minutes
Pair Hearing Aid(s) to phone
Assistance needed in pairing hearing aid(s) to phone. iPhone users, please know your AppleID and Password so we can help get the hearing aids paired to your phone. Android users need to have the Google Play store active.
10 minutes
Dome removal
Removal of a dome or foreign object from the ear canal. Please note that Medicare does not cover this appointment. You will be responsible for a $50 charge the day of the appointment if we need to remove a dome or foreign object from the ear canal.
30 minutes
Hearing Aid Drop Off- No Loaner Hearing Aids Needed
Dropping off hearing aids for servicing
15 minutes
Repair Pick Up
Hearing Aids returned from servicing and are ready to be picked up.
30 minutes